Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. i need help growing as ps
  2. I would just put up 1 attack building hire an ally and become a gh than be a pure spy easier to grow at early levels.

  3. this. if youre worried about getting stripped etc, just hire a low price ally, just enough to give you max p, and use a t2 beast instead of some t4 or something like most.
  4. Why dont you guys increase the amount of quest and drops of xtals and nobility ?? bcz all ppls dnt hve income ...
  5. This isn't an idea or request forum this is a thread for questions
  6. That was still a question though lol
  7. Just not the right kind of question that can be answered by the players
  8.  anyone have a nice guide on how to HLLC fast?
  9. Be an eb fairy. Take advantage of volley transfer and the ally market.
  10. Why is the work Racoo.n censored?
  11. The last four words are, idk why. Don't here. You might get forum banned.
  12. No way ....

  13. Just google the last 4 letters if you're really that curious. It's an offensive word.
  14. Whats a good EE build that adds up to 8mcs?
  15. What if I have no questions?
  16. What is the average airspeed velocity of a swallow?
  17. African or European.
  18. About 24 miles an hour.
  19. **** you got me narwhal
