I Dont think u need to check in now on cuz be à waste of time.. Out wit target right da Way. But this will be a challenge to prep. But if everyone do their own spread sheet. Thing will be easier..
Personally I believe it's all the tracking and spreadsheets that ruin war for the vast majority. War is to elitist. There are clans that basically own EE... I hope they reduce it even more :lol:
No support! War Commanders dont have enough time to prepare and make a war plan. Everyone that says support, i bet yall never war commanded a damn day of your lives so shut your mouth. #idiots
Support - I assume this means for individual wars you need to be clanless 1 hour before war start ? :/ Or am I wrong
Umm, Is it just me or does this seem like a bad idea? For clan wars, you gotta get an ss together, make up a plan and get everyone together for said plan, It's just putting unnecessary pressure on the wc and tracker. And for indi wars It's a plain horrible idea, it can take up to a half hour just to know who the wc and tracker is. No support, just too short a time to prep for a war imo
Half the time is pming ppl with ss then the noobs cant read it abd ask for target anyway lol. Lets go noobs anything to make it look like devs are doing something but fix real issues
Full support to this , and if experienced wc's on this thread agree that an hour is enough then i'd take their word lol And prepping? The wc should have support from others filling out a spreadsheet Heck ive been known to jump in make targets and a strat 15 mins before a war has started lol it is possible And Donno - yes means being clanless hour before war rather than two
For clan war, i think one hour is sufficient due to smaller roster size and you know those people who war with you. For individual war, I don't think it is sufficient. The roster size is bigger. The briefing usually need 20-30 min to make sure they knows what they need to do. That means you only left with 30min to do ss and come up with a strategy. Please note that not everyone joining individual war have experience.
Yep full support, 2hrs way too long. Can you now shorten eb wait as not sure why need to wait 15mins for eb start? Just make it instant
Could be helped for indi wars if people could sign up as a tracker or wc, at least that would save the hour spent working out who is going to do it.