Scroll Drop Rates Increased

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Just checked some numbers on SS/TS run in our clan,the last 3 prior to this thread TS/SS/TS gave 18 scrolls the majority ring scroll,after this so called increase 11 scroll drops giving 10 ring scrolls for TS/SS/TS.Going by these numbers should this thread be called the Decreased Scroll Drop Rate thread.Boots Gloves and Minion scrolls are so rare they are exstinc.
  2. Yup Ana. The whole smithing idea that i pointed out in my thread weeks back is a total Myth. Its not real, and the devs r trying to save the idea. Too late....drops way to rare.....equip is now obsolete just like old technologies.
  3. Kaw community... Are you going to do something about the scrolls that still drop once you have enchanted an item?

    Maybe introduce a function where we can swap the scrolls for ones we don't have?
  4. I still haven't seen a drop it's so strange with a 43% chance at a drop added to what ever the increase should give me a better chance but no nothing nothing it's not funny a real increase is needed so many players can't be wrong

    If you can't increase drop rates do the drop
    On a hit basis have a min and add that to the factor of drop rates. I grow tired of trying to reach for things that aren't there.

    I get you don't want it to be easy but this is ridicules
  5. i gave up on the scrolls long ago, but with Sommoner out i need them now, hope the kaw orchestrators are kinder to me now
  6. Devs stated it would b easy to get scrolls now - so....

    Easy to get 1 scroll in a year?
  7. You don't want the minion scrolls, that weapon is a joke with the stats it offers. Frankly all of this scroll thingy and the equipment from it is a joke. Sometimes I think these Apes are trying to figure out ways how to make a joke put of all of us. There is no one with half a brain in that place.
    I gave up collecting these scrolls after I enchanted minion to max and saw the stats. It was the biggest wtf moment I had in this game. Almost felt like sending that thing up the rear of these Apes.
  8. So is this a short term or for good? Seems it never really increases anyways
  9. Is kaw community going to bother replying?
  10. Its not that hard to get scrolls. Some days i get to do about 10-12 ss and get a scroll every time i go hunting for them
  11. Only 1 off the ring from ss
  12. Cuz with events i dont bother with ss
  13. Easier than EVER....lmao
  14. What's the trick on getting scrolls I've done this EB 6 or 7 times since scroll drop increase with EE 5 and haven't got 1 scroll lmao??
  15. Kaw is lying like a rug!!!
  16. I'm impressed dragster... I barely get 1 scroll most times
  17. I got a drop of 3 ring scrolls from TS last night a improvement over the normal 1.BUT wait ive already got that ring and at lev9 so they didnt lie just upped the redundant scrolls.