Maybe if we add some special equip for people who do this or bonus plunder with an added 1% for a loss and 2-3% for a win
Support , but the only way to increase pvp is to make it better than eb , by the time you buy the pots you make hardly anything , if they increased the plunder and added in random equipment drops , nob points and xstalls the hits would come flooding in ,
I'd say 48 hr war, whichever clan loses gets their clan deleted. Thatll get the eb fairies online, they dont want to do haunt, nq, cotd snd fod AGAIN before they can have a go at hte again." Cauws dey need menny n farming is against the rules!"
Support. I would love to see the reaction :lol: And finally get some substantial incoming in my news feed
The problem is if all the clans will be fairly matched against each other, the number of members could vary, inactive clans and I know there will be many complaints about this It can never be the way it was again, too many things have changed, too many people have grown into hitting ebs every day
Why doesn't apoc just do this? Split y'all's selves up into more clans and have some wars y'all have lots of members so it could work out
People for get osw clans make up about half of the devs pocket money. How do you guys think they are able to strip people clean of gold, pots and allies. We don't magically make it disappear.
Most people here saying support would not last a week, or two days. The truth is people would be less active. Instead of maybe 12 hours active a day they would drop to 6 hours. OP asked a question before, what is the point of all the growing. Well what is the point of PvP for a week? Your not getting anything from it. Your actually losing quite the number of pots and chance of grabbing gold. There has to be a balance and you can't just take out eb's all together. Although many would disagree, the way kaw is formatted now is fine. There is a balance. Honestly I suggest you keep hitting and for everyone to stop complaining about how there is no PvP.
Devs won't change anything pvp related. They are nothing but liars. Big promises were made to be released late January/early February 2014. Nothing happened until now.