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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. How overpriced am i?
  2. Not very, coming on market price
  3. Yeah nml blood rains drops armplate, my first ever nml, was just hitting for plunder bonus and got drop i dont even need :lol:
  4. Do Hansels earn more gold than attack builds of the same size?
  5. What kind of hansel? It depends on the build
  6. Yes eric i believe it has something to with skimming though
  7. A hansel with 1 attack building skimming troops can out plunder anyone
  8. What colors are good to use that aren't difficult to read on PC? Is this ok on PC? I am looking for a signature color.
  9. I'm on a PC and I can see that color very well.
  10. What does SB (in a war) mean?
  11. And Rikkimaru... how so? Hansels earn nearly the same amount of plunder every attack, since it's basically only ally bonus and nothing else. The plunder is only around 500k to 1 mil and I don't see how skimming troops would work. I'm definitely missing something. :|
  12. what does sb and sko mean in a war context?
  13. SB=scout bomb
    SKO=self knock out
  14. Eric, the payout at the end is what counts there, plus you're mainly skimming spies.
  15. I thought so. He accidently said skim troops
  16. Why are there more Attack Builds now than Hansel Builds?
  17. Is there a difference between an SH and a Hansel?
  18. Sh is a shadow hansel. Hansel is a build type, 75% spy buildings. So SH is a subdivision of Hansel, you can say.
    Shadow Hansel= level one sos through all lands.(correct if wrong)
  19. How much plunder does A lvl 5 HF sdt take away
  20. I don't believe towers take away any plunder, they just don't generate any.