Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. What if I have an old castle code? How would I redeem it for lvl7 castle?
  2. K then, bai.
  3. Lol castle codes 
    And thanks guys ️
  4. in the clan war...if inactive member,a member that didnt hit anyone in the opposing clan get hit does the plunder score increase?
  5. In the old pwars you could hit outside targets, but it would not count to the war tax.
  6. What is the good and bad about being an attack build and hansel like the pros and cons. I like both and can't decide what build to use.

    Thanks In Advance!

  7. Attack build pros
    Higher CS at all levels
    Easiest to play
    Grow relatively quickly

    Hansel pros
    Easy to grow
    Can farm someone anonymously
    Great plunder machines.

    Attack cons
    Can't be pinned easily by hansel
    Are very vulnerable to strips without sdt

    Hansel cons
    Lower Cs possibilities
    Easy target for attacks.
  8. How could you tell if an ally is underpriced
  9. I need help with my clan, we will be doing ROTWB if you guys help!!
  10. No answer for my question 
  11. Are we able to see blocked list on droid??if so where and ty
  12. DeathGod,

    As far as I know, no. I haven't used a droid in years, but, I'm sure it hasn't changed.

    Zagham, follow me.
  13. Anyone know what the actual hit range is? Like the maximum difference in stats to hit someone?
  14. 6 times your your stats up and 1/6 down.
  15. Question is a Titan better or a cursed fountain for plunder .
  16. Farr it is too big, I personally think Cursed Foundry pays better because of more stats and I think more troops.
  17. You need the image codes farr.
    [IMG ] [/IMG]
    Just get rid of the space in the first one and it should work.
  18. Could be too big too. I hadn't considered that.
  19. Thanks zag and cas! Legends. Any chance you guys know How I could make it smaller??