Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Oh lol 
  2. It's only for a predetermined amount of time. Per new rules set by devs for inactives
  3. Whats the email u send too apply for an silence appeal?
  4. Is it just me or is anyone else unable to post in forums?
  5. I mean like a new thread.
  6. Could be an unknown result. Resulting in emojis not compatible with forums. Pictures not sized right. Etc.
  7. If it says unknown result, you are using emoji which are not compatible with forums. If it says picture is "too wide/too long" it is because an image you are using is over the 600x600 maximum specifications.

    Or you're trying to post in a locked section.
  8. Thnx Toxic, it was an emojis propblem.
  9. I don't have Mage unlocked, will I still be able to upgrade my ring after event is over?
  10. Yes. The psion is permanent, and can be used at any time in the future.
  11. Once Mage is unlocked probably a yes... As u can see the dragon eggs didn't go away after a while... So I'm guessing the same for the psion
  12. How do I get castle code plz
  13. Sorry, Swabia stopped giving those out and used them to purchase VK.
  14. The code is now irrelevant.
  15. Past 6 weeks, what's happened?