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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. What was I suppose to do hurt my friends dog? -_- the owner is the one in the black
  2. I for one, once being a victom of a dog attack, see why veni is up a fence.
  3. You do know you'd do more damage to that tiny thing than it to you, it properly didn't even have teeth either...
  4. Just kick it if it attacks, it will back down
  5. I cover nipples because i know there are some underage and well, underage don't know what nipples are.
  6. No nip slips hipster we don't want to scar the children
  7. I'm a good citizen
  8. Yep hipsters a good citizen 
  9. Hipster I will go gay for you
  10. Hipster likes to lay out in the sun and fry eggs on his stomach
  11. Hipster also likes to ask guys with abs to make signs for her with her ign :)
  12. I want to see hipsters face :lol: be a good citizen
  13. Hippy show your sext blue hair <3
    I love it so much 
  14. My face will remain a mystery
  15. Blue hair is not okay 