Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Holy smurf it worked. Thanks for the help on teaching a dummy how to post a picture.
  2. Lol. Any further questions on how to post a pic pm me. Can't edit original lol
  3. Whose the peeps in the back?
  4. Family reunion
  5. [​IMG]

    I could shot that out of your hand if you dare to hold it.
  6. BANG!/ oops. Hope you didn't need those fingers.
  7. Errmm that wasnt a finger
  8. After Obama takes away guns you can't shoot his hand ermm I mean red bull again.
  9. Deni u posted what u look like before
  10. I still got the r3dbull
  11. Whoa! How long is this thread??!?!??!?
  12. Obama won't take away guns. Anyone tries to take my guns away ill shoot them. **** the government
  13. Lets keep it relevant, as Xtreme has said several times now.
  14. Now that I see the people who argued with me and trolled me I feel.....justified
  15. Yes. I did. I don't see your point?
  16. So many beautiful kawers :D

    If there was a contest for the most attractive gaming franchise, i think we'd win it :D
  17. I doubt it