new world order

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by BIG_THRILLS, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Don't blame me if your thread sucks.
  2. Lmao, are you sure it's not you that sucks?
  3. When I make threads they typically don't fall off AT till they reach well over 20 pages.

    Proof is in the pudding, junior.
  4. Interesting thoughts
  5. I'm thinking this one might require more advanced thinking than your capable of
  6. Thank you pogey
  7. And longer reading than your attention span is capable of
  8. That may be true, big. Or you may be new to this forum. Had you been around the past 3 years or so you might know better than to say such a thing.

    But I suspect that I may be the only thing keeping this crappy thread alive at this point, so I'll let it RIP.
  9. Lmao, I used to vote for you as president here in forums. Can't you tell when your being harassed?
  10. Remember when I beat you up with my little spy alt? Remember in pm, you were begging me to stop? But asked me to let you save face here in forums? Remember after, you recruited my alt into your clan?
  11. This is fresh, this is eyes open man!!!! This needs to get out there. Support support!!
    Tell me more OP
  12. Thank you soup
  13. I notice not a lot of response, must go over a lot of people's heads, even though it's in simple English.
  14. What ya gonna do right? In other forums I post it, I'm getting incredible responses. From amazing people
  15. What do you mean?
  16. Well, I've got a constitution professor thats adding the shareholders way of thinking to his curriculum, and a law firm contacting me to see if they can run with it, but I think it needs to get out there first
  17. Wow, no wonder!!! It opened my eyes!! I'm going to be thinking about this quite a bit
  18. Support, I don't think the devs will go through with it though