Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Masonisboss, Aug 4, 2014.

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  1. Pay to win.........only way i can make gold atm as im sat on 24/7
  2. Who's your main jenni?
  3. with the recent android update im getting a rate exceeded error and it's ruining that
  4. Who is even sitting on you
  5. My main is none of your buisness
  6. You could give me the money you use on kaw...I'm poor and live in a cardboard box...

    FEED ME!!!!!
  7. It totally is
  8. Get to know me viva and i might think about dropping seals for you.
  9. Hey troll....

  10. Cf granted priome

    Continue drilling
  11. Thanks TROLL
  12. How many seals you say you had jenni? 

    Back on topic.... If someone disbanded a clan I had I'd be pretty pissed. Serves op right IMO
  13. To justify farming him sure! It's a war game! I support it!but harassing them, cussing at them verbally i do not. I know i have done it with deni, but this is a damn child!!! Not a ex gf
  14. Jenni, Op made a thread calling Trevor an asshole.
  15. The 9 year old is hurting...
  16. Lol you don't even know this persons age! He flat out denied the statement that he was "9" so you have no idea how old he is! Stop saying he's a little kid without knowing it.
  17. 9 year olds lie >~>
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