Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Kat XD

    Rawr [pedomoon] 
  2. Deni rawr! 

    Slim! 
  3. Lol got it to post cool :p
  4. Sorry jungle kat, a quick google reverse image search says that image belongs to a model, not you, good try tho. Next time don't lie.
  5. No way I can be fake lol
  6. I caa assure you it is me. I take selfies all the time on pal and social media. Nice trolling but please leave.
  7. Also, i don't model.
  8. I believe it actually is her :)
  9. How do u google reverse search an image?
  10. It is her

    I know her on pal and SC

    Trust me bruh

    I pvp irl
  11. Kat, please do not ask somebody to leave my thread. Ty.
  12. It's her. ️
  13. No one comments on my pics lol

  14. Do you want us too?

    It would not be positive
  15. Armoury your shoes are untied
  16. Took you that long to notice? Lol
  17. Eagles, that's not the purpose of this thread. It's merely to see who is behind the screen, if you feel the need to post such comments then feel free to leave.

    @last pic.. I like your hair lol, mine looks horrid when long.
  18. I never said anything mean now did I?

    Btw why did u follow me?
  19. Was going to give you link to post picture.