As you all know it can be very hard to find a certain epic battle you need for let's just say equipment. Well what if you could just hit one button and a picture of every epic battle there is would show. You could click on the certain epic battle you need and a lost would come up of every clan that is currently doing that epic battle. Not only would this help players find the right epic battle they want but it could also reduce the amount of ads there is in wc! Please support this so the devs might consider it๎
No you can't. You can only see recently started epic battles. You can't choose a specific battle and see who is running it.
Takes away the challenge of it... When your equip hunting look through the EB records of that week and see who holds the fastest time for that particular EB and EBs similar in size to that one.. Some clans rotate.. Then see which EBs those fast clans are running and pick the one that is not only fast but doing it b2b
Support. But it only shows equipment ebs. Otherwise you will have a bunch of noobs spamming invites at hte clans. The only real beneficial use for this would be if it was set for promo drop ebs/equipment drop ebs. Other than that support
Well i don't think you can should do this only for certain ebs, it should be for all or none. Either way i don't support this. There will always be ads in wc. Also devs should not waste time making something like this when the point of equipment hunting is to actually "hunt" out the eb.
Look for an eb its not that hard. Also there are ads in wc everday, without ads wc would probably be as dead as GaWs, at least it looks active so no support.