new world order

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by BIG_THRILLS, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. New world order is only a merging of corporations.

    You are not dealing with a government, but a corporation. And these people are only acting like CEO's. The constitution does not apply to corporations as they fall under maritime law, and... The corporation has America fooled that they are under it's authority. And not as factually it's shareholders.
    Why aren't people getting it?? Everything is incorporated!!! Even the federal government is incorporated!!!! Do you think any incorporation is looking out for you??? Technically one can't even call them government, they are a corporation masquerading as government!!!! The corporation isn't even under, nor obligated to the constitution, nor the people.
    They write the rules that they want or choose to follow, and wave an illusion over the people. Because, if the people wake up to the illusion, it's all over!!!!
    You are no longer citizens of America, you are shareholders of the corporation of the United States of America. The constitution no longer applies until you realize the true lawful relationship between shareholder and the corporation.
    One more time..... Let's realize that from the ground up, we are dealing with corporations, from postal, all the way up to federal government.
    Let's use The Pepsi corporation as an example. Just because Pepsi does business in your area, does that give Pepsi authority over you? No!!!! The only people subject to Pepsi rules, are willing Pepsi employees.
    And.... Can Pepsi demand $$ from its shareholders after an investors initial investment into the corporation? No!!! As a matter of fact, under maritime law, Pepsi must take the investment and turn it into profit for its investors!!! If they fail to make profit for its investors and runs into a situation where debt is not only the norm, but growing by the second, the shareholders have a legal right to have a vote to dissolve the corporation, and sell it's assets in an attempt to recover their $.
    And as for the corporate debt, it is maritime law that the shareholders are not liable for the debt.
    Now, let's get back to the situation at hand, let's replace "Pepsi" with your local corporations that fall under the "government" umbrella. Police, postal, city, region, township, state, federal, to name a few. Let us realize, that at the top levels, sheriff, mayors, legislators, councillors, all the way up to the president himself, the people elect them into position, why? Because it's what shareholders do, they elect their CEO's. Which makes all these corporations into "public corporations" and the citizens into shareholders!!
    Let's not forget, the corporation is not authoritive to its shareholders, but legally responsible to its shareholders, ONLY authoritive to its employees.
    For far too long, the public corporations have been writing in house policies, trying to make itself unaccountable to its shareholders, and seemingly authoritive over its shareholders, but.... It's a scam, and illegal.
    Has anyone ever recieved a dividends cheque from the public corporations? No.... Therefore, the shareholders have a right to dissolve them!!! And do away with this out of control train. They will never hold their own accountable as long as they've written the policies as to which the corporate employees are held to. Understand? Does anyone get this? There's no need to have a revolution or war, just hold a shareholders referendum and vote to dissolve all the public corporations, and reinstall the "by the public, for the public" systems that were once in place before the corporate takeovers.

    Just my thoughts, some opinions would be appreciated
  2. I wonder for example;
    One gets pulled over by the police, and as the copper approaches the vehicle, instead of playing the roll of citizen, one immediately identifies him/herself as a shareholder, ( in the corporation employing him) . I wonder if this would change the dynamics of the stop. Or if the copper would just write the ticket anyways, and if so... Does this open up the ability to take the corporation to a maritime court, charging the corporation with accosting and pillaging a shareholder.
    After all, it is the corporations responsibility to answer to the shareholder by law
  3. Interesting view point, Op.
  4. That...was actually
  5. It definitely makes me think on some things, lol. Good work. 

    Only thing is that it is a wall of text.
  6. Pretty long eh, sorry
  7. Well, yeah.

    Your solution is that your dollar is a vote. Don't buy at/from institutions that don't represent your interests. No Walmart. No McDonalds. No Target.

    Costco treats their employees well, so I shop there. Walmart treats it's employees and customers and vendors badly, I don't shop there.

    Vote with your dollar! Thanks for talking about this, Big.
  8. No no, this is about corporations hiding under false pretenses under a label of "government"
    And who actually owns them, which would be the voters of the CEO, which is the public who are actually the shareholders
  9. And I think, when dealing with ANY government agent, do not assume the expected role of either the taxpayer paying their salary, or, assuming the role of the citizen.
    Stand up, and take the role of what you really are, the shareholder!!!!
    Corporations answer to the shareholders, not the other way around
  10. Support!! Great thread, we'll organized an had some great points!! Hope to see more like this in the future!
  11. Thank you!!!
  12. I am defo not a citizen of America.....

    But maybe a nwo will be good....

    Or I'll join a resistance group, we will call ourselves, the resistance, then we will fight to get back democracy and other ****...

    Then after fighting the nwo for 20 years, I will get murdered by getting assassinated by my generals....

    It's how I roll
  13. Reptillian shape shifters come out.
  14. Well, thanks for that, and best of luck !!!
  15. What makes "public corporations" and citizens "shareholders?"

    It was at that point that I lost track of your logic flow.
  16. Hmm. Interesting.
  17. There is a huge difference between a corporation and a government.
    In both cases there are good and bad examples but they have fundamentally different purposes .
    One is run to make a profit the other is run to provide services and a civil society, well in good cases they are.
  18. @ cheese to be honest, with your history of logic, or should I say lack of, I wouldn't expect you to follow along.
    In the 1800's the governments of the commonwealth all incorporated, making them... Corporations, enabling them to draw the public into maritime law. The law of sea and commerce. But nonetheless they are corporations now, masquerading as governments. And since we go vote in the CEO, that automatically acknowledges us as the shareholders, and legally, we are entitled to the rights allowed a shareholder under maritime law. Regardless of policies written by the corporation.