Here You Go

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SirSteveO37, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. My emails are responded to in a avg of 15 mins.....
  2. God we all know you're butt hurt over something, you do know devs aren't making you spend money it's the players that make you spend.
  3. God

    I honestly couldnt give a flying **** about the devs. Theyve disappointed us many times in the past but you need to give them credit for the GOOD that they also do. Theyre only human and their job is to please thousands of players like yourself that only complain in forums.
  4. It does not hurt, I just think you guys need to give it up, the same people over and over talking about how great they are, maybe you should support other players, maybe that player did not get good service, that is all
  5. If you spam with **** they will block you from it and mail replies from support varies because it's a human answering and it takes time if you're on the other side of the globe. (You also have to insert the name of the game the email concerns and your username. Or else you're not getting a reply :lol:
  6. I don't think I've said anything that even relates to how great they are :? All I've said is that they are helpful with emails, which is what this thread is about email support...

    God if you carry on with your hate, flaming quest against devs You'd properly disappear one day in the night, along with derailing the thread
  7. Hey Wolfie give it up I have no hate, and also I'am right here playing the game and posting just like you, it's a war game, take a shot at me Wolfie
  8. Well... If you cared to notice I'm currently in a osw with 2/3 other outside hits, if you want some just hit I'll get around to you when I can be assed with whiners :)
  9. Lol ok, that answers that
  10. In-God-We-Trust is such a troll 

    According to her, if you don't hate support, then you're a "butt kisser".

    She's either an uncreative internet agitator, kf she's a 9 year old. I can't tell which. My gut says 9 year old 
  11. Facebook customer support is worse. (to there is none)
  12. Hey Rhino big words for a little girl, right here bud bring it