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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I believe the spell is Bloodlust. I also think it's a shield and a sword/axe looking weapon in front of the shield.
  2. That's what I said 
  3. @Yoda
    That's probably shattered sword. It prevents the caster from participating in EE wars.
  4. What are all the ebs that drop banner materials?
  5. How on iOS do I select the option to 'invite friends' where is it located exactly? I can't seem to find it...wall me the answer would you kindly please.
  6. They got rid of that due to people exploiting it. You can of course always invite them from the App Store. ;)
  7. Thanks Proditer️
  8. when using the mage on lure of the hive drops do they also fail at times or is it 100% success?
  9. Hey guys just have a question

    Would it be worth it to replace 2 Lv 3 Volaries for 1 Sdt In Highlands and leave 1 lv 3 volary with the sdt?

    Thanks In Advance!

  10. It could be depending upon the purpose of you doing it.
  11. Honestly, at your size... don't mess with sdt except if doing EEs. You are just starting to grow and you haven't lots of allies (nothing to lose in a strip).

    Keep those volaries, you can always swap them later on with a day's gold earnings.
  12. I agree with kassio. Ee and osw would be the only reason u would want it. It's only useful in osw to prevent strips
  13. What's dropping best hornets right now?
  14. TSG drops 250-300 but if you want the most bang for your buck HTE is always the best option
  15. Also, they're dropping based on participation. So amounts will vary based on activity
  16. Hello..
    is there here in kaw something like "Duel" to farming each other u and another player only?
  17. Its called farming. Lol
  18. ok thats mean there is no Duel 1 vs 1 ?
    randomly farming only
  19. You can agree to a 1v1 beforehand or some players will do so if you start hitting them. Some will not. No specific system to engage a duel like that though.