New Banners

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Masonisboss, Jul 31, 2014.

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  1. I think kaw should make new banners such as, orange( 100,000spy Atk.
  2. Cool thread op 
  3. Their is suppose to be more than just that on my theard! What happened?
  4. Try reposting
  5. Does it say more than the colour orange
  6. The ampersand claims another victim! :lol:
  7. Dang ol ampersand
  8. Yep u posted how much spy attack it gives
  9. It should have more colors and diffrent spies Atk and def.
  10. Like,
    Black(100,000def. 50,000atk.)
  11. Purple( Atk and def 50,000
  12. And orange is ( 100,000atk. 50,000 def.
  13. And orange( 100,000atk,50,000def
  14. Banners are percentage based...
  15. Oh well they can figure it out
  16. oh well you can stop with your threads there are plenty of banners already
  17. Those banners would be really weak compared to the ones we already have.
  18. They should make a worst of section and give u number 1
  19. Great idea, but their should be parts dropping from eb's which u can customs ur own banner, this feature would be so cool, also u can upgrade it. The parts has its own % bonus once they are added to a banner the % adds together to get a total %. More the % is the more it gunna cost to upgrade, for example hidden in a eb (Smoke Signals) it drops a special tool (like psion) this part can be call "Hammer" (<-- i dont know) the hammer upgrades your banner, but they are very rare and cost more that 1 hammer.

    Banner lvl1 = 20 hammers
    Banner lvl2 = 35 hammers
    Banner lvl3 = 60 hammers

    (Devs can pick the level)

    You can also add text and colour to the banner to make it even MORE COOLER!
  20. More cooler! Sounds like more funner!!! :p
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