the silenced strategy

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by s0meb0dy, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. If u r silenced,u can communicate using follows, 2-3 follows spam the person u want...the person must not be I would like to push forward this suggestion...pls cooperate people/kawers and silenced noobs...thanks
  2. Yes it works used it one for yes two for no
  3. Or you could, gee, I don't know...

    Wait out the silence. :roll:
  4. Waiting out silences is for noobs!
  5. Being a noob is for noobs
  6.  No way! We should all get silenced and use OP's method!
  7. Even though it was 1/4 coherent. I still don't understand this post at all.... Use your grammar. Please 
  8. This isn't even a good system of doing it either that only tells someone your active. 1 means yes 2 means now you don't just follow three times out of nowhere
  9. Use morse code with follows
  10. No support, it's against TOU to spam follow people and frankly most people won't understand it. It's more complicated then it needs to be.
  11. That's probably why he's silenced 
  12. I thought this got locked
  13. How about you communicate on a 3rd party app :shock:

    Mind = blown
  14. If it got unlocked, there's a corruption here.
  15. Exactly what wolfie said, thats what ive been using, but not for long :) unsilence in 3 weeks
  16. @wolfie how do I even tell the person I want to communicate using a 3rd party app and how to find me???
  17. Make an alt for emergency contacting.
  18. Everyone uses a certain 3rd party app

    You just join a kaw group and ask someone to tell you're pal to find you