No support. It is already too easy to strip. The victim should have a fighting chance, but he won't if you can unload 20 hits in 5 seconds. In EB there is no real victim, so the repeat button makes sense.
Support game mechanics 50 v1 to strip is ridiculous No support repeat action button Like everyone else said there has to be some kinda of delay
10b strips are better of ran as attks. Look at the thread I made about attack percentages on a build and size basis. I don't remember exactly, but a decent attk build can take around 1.3% if its under or around 10b. As Val informed me, when you get over 10b it caps around .76% per attk. So running xstalls and 5k-8k stls to clean 10b is a waste. Just run as attks, it's easier and no xstalls required.
Support I hate having to go all the way out just to retap that dumb button it's really hard in wars when your close to being ko'ed too
Swabia, they lost the source code. All updates involve creative. New icons, pretty pictures etc etc. Thanks KaWCreative. You rock.
They did that so the other party has a chance to fight back :| This isn't the problem with pvp, the problem is that pvp yields little to no profit or reason to hit
I was glad they added repeat on ebs because doing scouts was a pain in the ass on any eb. I would like to see more rewards to PvP because other then showing u are bigger/stronger then someone is fun but after that it is hard to get restarted with others hitting HTE that entire time u were making 20-40m each hit
Do you remember trying to solo clear the Recko items phase before the Repeat button? I don't see the necessity to have it in PvP though, no chance to react to one's news otherwise. The actions to clean an mp strip are indeed quite silly... But those are done to annoy more than to clean someone (and usually followed by attacks).
Rocketman suggested to rise map to 200b or so, so it's not that easy to be at it after a strip. Either his or yours idea would make osw a little bit better. But as giskard said... KaW_creative rocks. /endsarcasm. Actually I doubt there will be any pvp related update in this game. Now osw is about who does more hte what a wonderful idea by the smart devs. Keep it up. One more year and nobody will actually know as what this game started