Attack more favored? Whu Dub??

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Infam0us, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Hey kawers so today I wanted to tell you all about an issue, well more like a statement of some sort. No new ideas or anything so just telling y'all. Have you ever notice that Devs somehow favor attack more than spy? Attack banners, many on lb are attack, more equipment favor attack, and the attack max cs is 21 while spy is 15?? All examples of them favoring attack more (just wanted to point it out since no one else has yet, although I bet y'all know it already) Secondly I see many people walling lbs. The issue is that they think they're soooo good not to reply or share any tips. I'm not one who walls them ( I don't care for em anyway, except my lb friends) but kawers wanna know your ways!! They are walling you to f ing bother you... Well noobs are, but serious questions on builds and other things. No need to be a complete dub we just want to learn from you. Which many haven't gotten any where. Once again just pointing out some facts. Don't like it too bad ️
  2. Why* not Whu 
  3. u ******* wot m8?
  4. I didn't read your crap thread but I'll make a couple points:

    Spies get drops item much more frequently than attack builds and have a higher payout on epic battles unless attack build is constantly skimming.
  5. Looks like some people haven't learned how to read  POINTING it out not complaining like y'all are now 
  6. I straight up told you I wasn't GOING to read.
  7. Umm not you the other guy
  8. The spy build was a mistake. A build overlooked by the devs, discovered and exploited by the players. So naturally, attack builds seem "favoured" compared to the spy builds.
  9. Are you talking about things that can't be changed, that you want changed?

    I think that constitutes whining, complaining, and a little bit of butthurt... Especially when the truth of the matter is spy builds are favoured in every way... They make more gold on ebs, they basically can be invincible, and don't require allies to make gold.... How is that not being a favoured build in a game that is supposed to be war based?

    Do you even kaw Flamer?
  10. lol. spy is way better
  11. Spies are stronger...

    It's true 'y'all'
  12. Attack is the main part of the game. The whole game favors attack because everyone should have it. It is the MAIN action. So if you go hansel or ps that is your choice. You know attack is the main action if you choose not to use it you choose not to have the advantages it comes with. Just like attack builds don't get the advantages of a spy build. Simple.
  13. The attack max stat is 22. Seen someone with it before
  14. TL;DR

    Drops are RNG, harden up princess and keep doing those ebs until you get the gear you want. Build won't change what drops you get
  15. spies were originally a support unit almost, however hansel popularized the build.
  16. Well if it IS the main part of the game why don't they take out spies? Why are there assassination bars in ebs? Scout options in wars? Steal options to get easy gold?
  17. OP do you have an issue with anyone who disagrees with you?