Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Masonisboss, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. This has happened to me multiple of times,when the epic battle is completed it tells me 2,000,000 received, but when I go to the history of the epic battle it's half that! What's the deal?
  2. Ok follow my guide to get the drop

    First you'll need to get a brick, use the brick to break off the screen to your phone. Your gold will be under the screen.

    Your welcome
  3. Yup Azzaro couldn't explain it better
  4. I had the same issue with my alts X and B(not going to give there names). The brick is the only way to fix it.
  5. Question answered elsewhere, and these guys are not helping anyways.
  6. How do I lock this
  7. Get a mod it will take an hour or 2 for them to do anything forum related.
  8. I never understand why people say "lock" on a thread, if it needs to be locked I'm sure a mod will do it...

    I don't think they need us telling them it needs locking, it's not like they can't lock a thread without one of use saying lock....or do they?
  9. Mansion the brick also works for locking threads 
  10. It will be locked for you until you find an alternative way to log in.
  11. The gold displayed in epic history includes GOLD from all successful attacks AND the bonus.

    Now moose may lock thee thread.
  12. Don't listen to these guys lol. You just need to hook up to a wireless printer and it'll prin cash instead of gold coins.
  13. I don't think you read that clear enough Pattus, he said he received 2m in bonus at the end of the eb and he went to history to check and it only said half of it (1m I guess)

    But OP, could it be that you check the EB history right after the eb ended and didn't do it again a minute or 2 later? The EB history needs a little time to update with the bonus and potential equipment ( aqua and inferno if you're on android)
  14. Why the **** is this back in AT lol?
  15. Pattus just had to respond to a week old low effort thread :lol:
  16. Ok the actual answer is that the eb history plunder is all the gold you earned in total. You did earn some gold during the epic battle each attack. The end plunder is the extra plunder. The eb history shows the total plunder meaning the plunder including the end and what you earned along the way
  17. Well you go to this place called school and if you're lucky you'll get educated.