Owner and Co-Owner of clans

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by SC0RPI0N, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Wouldn't it be great if you could make a member a co- owner so they can help run your clan? Let them Grant admin to members or take it away, change admin titles and everything else. It would really come in handy if a clan merged into yours or if you need a overnight owner on so you can sleep. It would make things a lot easier. I don't know if you should have more then 1 co owner though. I think it should be a 1 co owner limit. Sure it has its bad side. They can kick members and admins but its always a risk giving admin to someone unless you can trust them.S
  2. Support*?
  3. Brilliant idea! That would make running a clan much less stressful on the owner. Round table leadership is good.
  4. Not a bad idea my friend 
  5. Oh! What about being able to grant someone co-owner, and then being able to grant each specific ability to that co-owner? Have check boxes for "Admin ability", "Take away admin ability", "kick admin ability" etc... Also, could code be setup so if owner had to leave immediately, he could leave clan, and owner would automatically fall to co-owner?
  6. Grant me the ability to fly
  7. This has been suggested a lot I support moose's thread on clan roles
  8. Support.. but i would like to add to giwe speakers to owner, coowners and admins.. also when on pc.
  9. Would co owner get free soft drinks?