Clan "Ban" Button.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xXx-The_Dragon_King-xXx, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. @john on page one

    SH shouldn't be aloud in clans if they don't make the cs, who gives a **** if they 'sacrificed' their build to ee. They are what ruins it for everyone else that don't cheat and build upon a flaw in the system
  2. i agree 100% wolfie…i should have clarified i was being sarcastic on my last post…we used to love rejecting sh people…" but i can hit tsg with my cool mith equip" to the tune of -15 damage lmmfao
  3. I support this and the one of the comments.
    This would be useful because not all admins may be informed on a banned member, if one keeps letting the person in then that eliminates the banning purpose.

    I also support the comment where there is a requirement list set by the owner. This list could contain requirements as the following:

    •Combined stat requirement
    •Activity requirement (how long have they played; just like the activity achievement it could set a limit on the minimum amount of days they have played
    •Defended attacks (this could be uses for helping war clans)
    •I won't help the devs any more, if they want more things they can think them up, thats what they are payed for

    These requirements would be optional and only edited by the clan owner. If he/she doesn't want to use the requirement system they don't have to. Another add on to this system would be trouble getting in a person that doesn't meet the requirements (alt or someone you want in the clan that just doesn't make it). Well, to solve this, the devs could also put in a system where if the player does not meet these requirements set by the owner. There could be a "Non-requirement applicants" button where people that don't meet the owner's requirements' applications go.
  4. Although locking door makes sense, the objective is to ban the account not joining. This idea makes sense. Good job op
  5. Oh it's hard to know when someone is being sarcastic :lol:
  6. Just reject and farm them
  7. Nice idea but wont happen. Devs arent interested in spending time and money on fundamental aspects of the game.