Dev, can u prevent big players from hiring 10k-500k allies

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by 16_July_2014, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Even for new players the profit off a 500k ally is barely anything.

    That said, i still dont think adding ally hiring restrictions is the solution.

    Maybe just give max plunder until a certain cs is reached. By then atleast when your couple bill ally sells there is a noticable profit.
  2. OP you should follow me I can help you
  3. This is kinda true the small Allie market is gone
  4. Anything under 500m is practically gone the moment you buy them
  5. OP: You should use this to grow. Buy up the allies hit your eb buy more. Rinse and repeat.

    Every time an ally is bought you make gold so be happy about it
  6. If they hire your ally, you get more gold back than you spent, so then but another ally til u get up to 1 bil
  7. That's hard to stock up on smaller allies guys take a look now last time I checked there was only 1 300mil my alt hired and he was like 10b in 10min
  8. Ok I take that back there is plenty now
  9. Hiring a 5k-500k ally is just like hiring yourself when you start 
  10. This seems like a very silly thread at first but I'm sympathetic to the issue. Dead accounts get cleared out which are the resource of small allies.
    I can assure you OP that buying and selling allies as fast as possible is the fastest way to grow. Don't worry so much as they are not worth keeping unless they are growing. Just buy the best you can and hope some kind person buys them.
    Finally be careful of the volley con artist. Pathetic little morons impressing themselves with a dirty deeds.
  11. I refered a few to come play KAW and this is the exactly the same complaint they had. Devs don't care about the new starter. Look how long it took then to give the new starter a grey name so they can be identified as new. Why you think the devs have to reset so many noob accts... Thousands upon Thousonds quit daily after first starting. The people I referred quit and the only thing that keeps KAW going is us.
  12. Idk why someone would even but an ally that low unless they are volleying
  13. A lot of this is my fault along with some others, I hire around 1000 allies everyday from 150m on down its a good way to make money while u r regening for eb. Players just need to smile and rehire. Enjoy the gold
  14. The devs keep generating fake accounts to be volleyed, but i kind of agree they need to make more of them.
  15. You realize you get gold from a hire
  16. To be honest why would you even want an ally that small? If you can't scrape a few mil together for an ally you're too small to worry about allies lol
  17. Its basically free gold, thats why ;)