OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Lol you all just sound really butthurt
  2. Lol hmm I'm one that dislikes EB  infact I just unloaded on you for the heck of it with this baby acc  kinda bored actually. barely a warm up sweetheart.
  3. Well if bored of eb.... Then maybe you shouldn't do eb's !! I'm not an expert but ....I think not doing eb will help your boredom.
  4. I am doing eb..YOU  it's fun! You should try returning the favor..when I get bored with your dim ass..I'll visit your master Twicc ️ cheers lovely 
  5. Roxy dislikes EB so much she abandoned her own clan (one of the first LOS clans destroyed by NA) to run around to other clans and hit eb.

    And her husband got farmed so bad he reset his accounts. Although he came back with a bought acct that's being watched like a hawk, and will wake up with a breeze one morning:)

    As many accts as you buy roxy, you still are one of the crappiest leaders I've ever had the opportunity to watch crumble.

    It's actually Roxy who tried to cry to iG to save them. No iG doesn't want to help. I'll run and cry to ISS. Oh ISS is tired of hearing me crying, they even said it in a PM? We'll abandon that alliance, they won't fight for us so we can continue our EBS. Let's see if zaft will shield us from NA stripping all of our accts naked. Oh zaft doesn't want anything to do with us. Damn we need a bartering tool. Let's see if Yafi will trade us protection for the MALAKWARRIOR acct. Yay Yafi agreed to merge if we give them the Malak acct. Now we don't have to ask NA for a CF, we can have Yafi demand a cf.

    ^thats the timeline of Roxy's actions for the last 8 months lol
  6. Yeah Roxy sounds like a drunken transit. :lol: if I wanted a OSF I would hit my own toots. Thanks anyways 
  7. NA sure sounds super hurt with that post above 

    Poor things.
  8. I don't know na
  9. Hurt?

    I don't simply come to forums to flame and name call. I come to post more than "someone seems hurt" or some other form of name calling.

    I'm just clarifying for forums the truth of Roxy's statements. She came and claimed to "dislike osw" while she hides her and her husbands accounts in a clan outside of the war and hits eb.

    Pointing out for any forum readers that this is the leadership that LOS had to endure. Leaders like roxy and kjb/tickles wanting to run from the war and not fight it the ENTIRE WAR. They were all hiding trying to eb from elsewhere THE ENTIRE WAR. That and crying for help to whoever would listen. An entire alliance against 1 clan, and still begging for help from everyone.

    Actually hilarious to me, and I see no reason for myself to be hurt by the facts.
  10. Where's my prize ghost chicken at  ?
  11. Lmao WOW!! You should change your name to "ignorant eye". You really think you know it all huh..newsflash darling you have it all twisted! But hey that's okay. People believe whatever they choose to believe  But there's one thing you do have right..you have not a clue how many accounts I do have  As for my leadership ...I make friends not minions. This is not prison!! In Malak's own words..freedom is always yours!!! now for Malak's acc..wanna say something about her..go ahead..go say it to her! iG?? I've helped iG..but I have never asked for their help. I respect them because of Malak. Let's talk about ISS shall we :)) ISS are filled with good people. Some of which I have had the pleasure to war with and against. Am I bitter about our history?? Absolutely NOT! War is War!!
  12. This is just a dam game!! People are real!! Zaft?? Zaft are friends of many in LOS
  13. For the person you speak of...if you think for one second he reset his baby accs because of any sort of inc..you are a dam fool.. go try him and come back and tell me lol

    Now I don't know what you have been watching but either you need glasses or you need a different hobby lol if for any reason you need your facts straighten out ..which you do!! Please go read up on Para's post. Maybe you'll be a tad bit smarter by the end of it :) then again maybe not! I can't help stupid!! Don't waste my time!!

    You got a problem?? Just show up in my nf and we can talk the old school way 
  14. Fight, fight, fight !!!
  15. I all ready told you, you transit fool ! I'm looking for ghost. Go hit the eb already ! Get off forum k
  16. Don't even get me started on Para or Grom.

    Because that's the only people LOS had fighting for them the whole time leaders like Roxy and Kjb ran and made other clans to hide in and do Eb while their "friends not minions" did the warring.

    I'll give Para and Grom their credit, because I feel it's due. Non stop inc for the first few months of the war. Every acct their that had anything in allies ended up naked as newborns, but at least they attempted to war.

    Not Roxy, she decided to beg everyone else to war for her
  17. I'm right here..come get me or shut the hell up 
  18. Maybe items coming up soon in eb Roxy .. Bye bye 
  19. Damn. Got called out and no response . Nock them mofos out!!!!
  20. She hitting eb ... But I just looking for ghosts 
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