Lure of the Hive

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. @wog

    They'll change to swarm next time you complete an eb that drops them.

    Go do a quick war beast.
  2. They updated the HTE hornet drop to 270
  3. OK, it must be a glitch but after restarting my device I still only have 1 hornet, down from over 800. What am I not doing?
  4. Does it say Hornet Swarm?
  5. Nope. But after the next eb it did. Ty
  6. This is flawed.. Once people get rings it will be hard to get people back in the EB to help the others that didn't get the ring. Another one bites the
  7. Already seen the issues people leave once they get the rings
  8. People still have to get psi to enchant them, so I'm sure they will continue to do eb.
  9. What Santa said. There is going to be no shortage of people doing this up until the deadline. People are leaving after hive to get another swarm.
  10. Already hearing people say even enchanted these are not worth the hassle
  11. Pay 700k a
  12. Exactly, I plan to do it until the end of the event as I want my equip fully enchanted and since psion is the only way to enchant them, that is what we have to do
  13. Really waste if time. Devs congratulations you messed up big time again
  14. One usually get 5 Psion per EB, you need 1000 for the rare ring allone, that's 200 EB. 10 of them every day??? How fast do the devs think we can collect these Hornets? Devs, please redo your math.
    I like the idea of knowing the stats right now, but I don't see how to get enough Psion except with massive clan jumping.
  15. Most get 5 per eb, I've gotten 25 twice and some people get 105 on the eb. It's a random drop amount, but some get more than others and most get 5
  16. How much is Wb dropping? Tsg? Br drops about 250 I heard. Ty
  17. Br dropping 240-290 in my exp doing it. Not sure about the rest.
  18. Here is the stats of drone ring - get ready get ready get ready get ready

    653K spy attack and 860K spy defense
  19. Devs you got to kidding me
  20. For lvl 1^^calm down and enchant it