Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Pretty sure he meant me, Eclip.
  2. He obviously meant me because I'm the last one to post a picture  lol jk
    I'm pretty sure he was referring to Eclipso 
  3. I know that noone cares what I look like but here lol

  4. Wow both u guys need to grow out of the middle school hairstyles
  5. Where my asians attttt :p
  6. Hand of god is another who needs to stop showing his emo pics
  7. I just posted a regular pic of me, I have my hair long cause my forehead is big
  8. Plus my hair tries to stand up and gets fluffy when it isn't long and heavy
  9. Damn I'm the only normal looking person on kaw
  10. Define normal... ayyyyy troll :D
  11. Here's one of me and my little sister.
