Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Well there may be a bit of homo in there but....

  2. This is I Revoir

  3. I dunno guys, I'd bang wolfie over aj. Soz!

    Auto correct changed wolfie to woodie. Not sure which would have been better there.
  4. 


    ...That you? 

    I'd bang Woifie and Au_Rev.
  5. Love seeing new age tags <3
  6. Lol aj love you too <3

  7. Wolfie needs proactive that guy up on the last page looks like a small headed ugly Bruno mars
  8. Don't even get me started on this emo scene kid stuck in middle school. Grow up mate you can't dress like that for the rest of your life
  9. Swagga, you can be forum banned for saying that.
  10. Lets see your picture,

    Brad pitt.

    I mean swag.
  11. I followed the forum rules therefore I can't be forum banned for these posts
  12. Hand of god I wish I could strip farm you so I can put you on the right path on life
  13. Read it and weep swagga. Read your roc