By silencing me for being a trouble maker it has only caused me to become a bigger one. Not only am i banned from posting in the cc. But I am also banned by reporting ups/ reporting xstals/ reporting skos. Kaw there has to be a better way to handle this as I am almost dead weight to my team
Hey i only swore a bit on some guys wall who was annoying me Stupid Genocide_Deity, i know your new acc buddy just waiting for it to grow
Not you, OP was spamming CC with a mole. SS we sent to the devs and he got silenced, and now he is crying about it. Silence was deserving.
Cn ur an idiots that mole wasn't me I just claimed it was to make you idiots mad. An easy ip check on both accounts could be used to determine I'm telling the truth. Stfu because you have no idea what ur talking about. You make respond to this post and leave.
Whining about a silence is a violation. Tell them game, name and your ******* dipshit issues so you and your stupid threads don't get in AT.
If you have been perm silenced that means you have violated the rules 2 times before your third, if you cannot follow up on the ToU and cause trouble it's well needed. But. If you believe that the perm silence was not necessary or believe it was incorrect silence please email with the following. Kingdoms at war username. Time of silence. Reason for silence. They'll review the in game account and see what's the reasons if they believe that the silence was incorrect they'll reverse it for you, but if you violated the rules they'll keep it. Good luck and follow the ToU.
If this is same despicable and insensitive swaggaboylos I remember, then not a single person should feel sorry for your problems or quite frankly care.
Eagle ur an idiot. This is a diffrent type of permanent silence please read up in the rules before responding. This is not a complaint thread it's a thread pointing out the issues. And to clear things up this would have been my first strike I have never been silenced before this