equipment drops

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by deathwithin, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. I think equipment drops need to happen more and some of my friends all have been doing ebs alot of times and we still cant get the equipment.for example ive done no mans land 20 different times a.d still no equipment.
  2. 20 times.... It took me a year. Equipment is not supposed to be hand me outs. It takes time and dedication.
  3. It's not that hard its taken me about a month to acquire all I have you just have to do the same eb over and over sometimes a lot
  4. No support. Equipment should require time and dedication. It shouldn't just be,handed out to everyone. Those that have it earned should too.
  5. 20 is nothing. If you want to make it easier on yourself get an ee spell and it will increase chance of drops
  6. No support.
  7. 20 is nothing.

    I know someone who did TGL over 130 times to get the bow

    I lost count on how many times I did fod to get the abysmal blade.

    It's all in chance mate, just keep on the grind
  8. Try unlocks or have ee from winning a war you will get increase chance. Also each eb is differant for everyone. Some find eq faster on certain ebs than others

    No Support.
  9. Lol I got both swords my first time on fod

    Anyone else love my hard-earned 'quip? 240m BFE not that much compared to some with full new war equip @around 410-420m

    But this equip took a LONG time to get
  10. I think that if you get a drop from a tier, the chances to get another in the same tier is very high, or even 100%.
  11. I got mine after a month in Ocean2. If theyre still around they did nothing but nml
  12. If you want equipment mix up your ebs, this is what I did... I check on EbBusters and SaveMe's wall to see equipment ebs close to finish and I help out the clan for a quick ticket towards getting the equip... So you don't have to wait say 12hrs max for the eb to finish
  13. Also I have bad bfe...only 150mil
  14. It took me 6 months to get my arm plate from NML over 200x I did that dumb EB that is why I hate it so much now
  15. So it was just time? It will gonna take me a long time to find them. I even said to my clan that I will come back when i find one... :'(
  16. Forums > Guides > Epic Battle Guide by Wulf
  17. Try to do one eb more tthan 500times to get one equip...thats more funny...20 is a small amount...
  18. I did TGL once and got equip. EE5/unlock for ya.