Just a cool idea 

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TUS_singers_TUS, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. I propose that for one day, kaw goes on strike and refuses to buy the in game purchases of kaw.

    I thought this up because the devs are getting lazy, like extremely lazy, they will not organise any cool events anymore and only bring out updates that will keep us buying things.

    If they realise that most of kaw take part in this, they may buck up their idea's and actually listen to us.

    There have been tons of great idea's in forums that devs have not even looked at or have rejected them because it means effort or puts them out of pocket a little bit, come on they already earn so much! Why are they so greedy

    I know its a real crappy thread but i had to put pen to paper ( well finger to iPod ) before the idea slipped away from me

    I would like some feedback on this issue, if you do or do not support please say why!

    Let's bring back the good ol days when devs listened! KAW STRIKE
  2. If i get enough support i will arrange a date for this and i will put in all my time into spreading this around kaw before the date, if not enough support I won't bother tho so

    DISCUSS 
  3. I do that already
  4. Us broke free to pay collage students already do that.
  5. They don't force you to spend any money, many ppl already play for free I haven't spend a single $ on kaw and still grow nicely enough.
  6. No one forces you to purchase anything in game. If someone is forcing you to it is extortion and they can have their account/s banned
  7. sorry…my hte seal addiction doesnt allow me to take a day off…
  8. Do a dirty protest...

    If kaw doesn't do what you say then spread poo all over your house, if that spent work do scat porn, if that doesn't work piss in a bottle and pour it over your TV....then that should get your dead dog back
  9. Yes that's a good idea, I want this ppl to plummet and have to be taken off the App Store because the devs don't get enough income to keep it going. Support.
  10. Fix the chat errors