Old Kaw

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by GmaOftwo, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Everyone suggest new dumb ideas to help improve the additions ATA has done to their amazing game with new lands, new tiers and eb's. Well what I request is Kaw before it was sucky. First year kaw app with no mith, spells, eb's just what it used to be with 500k attack being massive and their actually being turtle builds. Yep my request is a new app called Ancient Kaw and to make it like it was in the old days before Even pwars. That would be a sick app everyone would play. Picture OSW for real, farming for cash, omg it's exciting! strip farming and real fun. Everyone complains and reminisces the old days, why not relive them?
  2. No support. OP is SH
  3. Wouldn't be worth it, this game came so far because of what happened.
  4. I'm talking about a new account so that nobodies accounts would be harmed and everyone currently playing kaw could get a account as it is a totally different game not connecting to kaw at all
  5. Jesus. When Corinthian suggests it, 90 pages of support. When this guys suggests it, people complain.

  6. If ATA still has the old programming data I'm sure it would work.
  8. cheers to the good old days 
  9. Support. But it'll never happen
  10. They could make it, and then ignore it ( like they do here, but more effectively) .
    If it opened up to the whole world at the same time it would be a fair game.
    After everyone is Land complete and building complete ( quite a task without EBs ) then the game becomes about collecting allies. Is that enough excitement for the ADD crowd?
    And how do you stop the OSF from becoming prominent? Some Money dropper will be BCOSF in week one and open to his/her friends so they can grow faster. Yay :/
  11. Collecting allies is quite a task when being strip farmed and osf can be hit by anybody...
  12. Actually if you wanted to take away osf you would just have to take away PC version of game.. Pretty hard to open on mobile and most people don't have more than one mobile device to waste on a osf
  13. Your idea sounds good at first glance. However, making a different app called "ancient KaW" would divide the community, and that's not a good thing.
  14. Agree the new kaw sucks.To much crap items.
  15. Make a game called "Future Kaw" too.have nothing but quadruple payout HTE, and allow people to get up to 100m cs.
  16. ^ and no more wars just peace! Lots of peace and 2 new lands to explore and no clan loyalty
  17. @moose maybe.. But maybe it wouldn't... Maybe it would be just a app for fun wars and farming and this would be the one people do hte and try to get bigger