It seems to me that being inactive in war is overlooked greatly by the devs. In clan wars a stiff boot and or farm (or whatever the players in the clan decide) is a working method of weeding out the bad apples, however I would like to see this across all war even though I think it will be more targeted at helping improve individual wars. 1) Rancor's Lashing - A spell auto activated at the end of a war to prevent an account from casting WOC for 150 hours on an account which has done very little to nothing to help the clan in war (inactive or very low activity). 2) Rancor's Shame - A spell that auto activates much like Rancor Level that increases the time of Rancor's Wrath with each level (starting this spell at say 500 hours) 3) Devs watching emails for faster response to in game cc spam reports and silences. If you want to get rid of cc spammer silence them quickly, 3 time offenders will be awarded the kaw revokes your speech award (please e-mail us telling us that it's unfair you suck at life and drag the game play quality down) award.
Haha I love when SH builds complain about other people ruining their kaw experience.. Where's that black kettle when I need one๎
Support. One thing that would need to be looked at with this system is people who look inactive but are not. This concerns clan wars more so than indi but sh that have no enemy in range for example or lb with same problem. As long as they dont get penalised this would be a fantastic way of improving overall activity and helps clans identify past inactives that want war as long as rancor shame is still active (most inactives tend to be known by decent war clans but it would still help some)
Support for the prospect of what your trying to do but it wouldn't always work. Take for example and clan with a high lb that matches a clan of all sh, if that lb can hit only one of even no players during that war, it would not be fair to negatively impact that player for something that is out of his or her control. The idea is good but the devs would have to monitor actions and also make sure there was no extreme case of not being able to hit anyone.
Prime this could very easily work against a few sh or sh clans as was pointed out above. But I still stand by the idea because a sh that doesn't have some range is just a lazy sh (or playing to that mechanic) so why not hit them for it when they end up with no target. The ONLY build I would worry about is the players tanking. But even then they should get actions with spies.
Yes benjamin my thoughts exactly. The system would take into acct the hit ratio of the player so if active you wont be penalised. If inactive for first half of war then you would be penalised still.
Dude, it's because of you and people like you that the entire war system is broken and normal people can't war... No wonder ppl want to get in and ruin your wars, I can't even blame them... You use an exploit build that has caused the devs to put pretty much everything on hold to fix all these loopholes for war.. And you want to be mad at some spammers? Seems legit
Taking hit ratio into account could solve a lot of the issues devs how about we see something from you.๎ And prime Enemy buildings found were: 1x Castle(level 3),2x Volary(level 3),5x Changeling Watchtower(level 3),13x Titans Lair(level 3),11x The Colony(level 3),4x The Hatchery(level 3),11x Cursed Foundry(level 3),2x Torture Garden(level 3),1x Arboreal Dungeon(level 3),2x Descry Fasthold(level 2),1x Unkari Ice Tree(level 1),6x Rime Fortress(level 1),8x Blood Barracks(level 1) I love when mid builds like yours talk about war at all let's stay on topic
Let's talk about war than chaos. Your build and the rest like you, are the sole reason why mids can't find wars, your pathetic excuse for a build which only works due to the failed plunder mechanic on it, is the only reason why a **** hansel like yourself will get a war slot over a probably much more experienced mid build. The SH build exploits an outdated scaled mechanic and is why when the devs dropped the nerf hammer on the GH they needed to follow suit and scale across all builds in that regard.
Haha I'll war this build anytime and feel good about it... You are a lame that hides behind those tiny stats... Correct me if I'm speaking out of turn, but who is the bigger issue here? The people that exploit? Or the spammers? I'll take exploiters for 500 Alex...
Support to Prime Bunch of whiners in kaw. It all started when people complained about turtle wars.... ...since then? Exploits and loopholes everywhere and more whining
Prime your argument is redundant, your just mad because us sh were smart enough to find a way around the "all tank builds" rule. Which idk what you have to complain about, based on your build we are more "war-ready" then you are. As a sos-hansel, my goal, like many others is to save enough money to go into a bigger build.
You can tell i dont war. Yes im an eb noob but, dont you war clan usually dish punishment to inactives through strip farming and other measures?
Redundant? Care to elaborate? You know what? You're redundant... And it doesn't take smarts to exploit a broken system, but you keep feeling good about yourself
We didn't exploit the system, we found a better way to win. Complain all you like but it's not going to change the fact that sh are a big part of the warring system now. P.s. I cry for the people who you are matched with in Indi wars... Such a leak
Bloated I'm aiming this mainly at the indi war system as us war clans pretty much have it covered. I this it's wrong to ruin other people chance at finding out how fun war can be. IE spammers and inactives. Inactives mostly. A war clan can simply not accept them but in the indi wars they can cast again and again and again with nothing to stop them.