Build name change: PS to Eunuch Build

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. I am so lost here that I can't even believe it myself. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Can someone plz explain to me what op is trying to say? :lol: :lol:
  2. Nighthawk would beat all your asses in war (mostly all ) he taught me how to fight even when I wasn't a war build
  3. Someone got owned by a PS?
  4. I am no PS, but I do remember some basic math.

    An EE war is won by the clan who has a plunder score that is at least 1 gold coin higher than the opps.

    The focus should be on making more plunder than you give away. I would say a PS is very well placed for this. But that is just math, ...
  5. Ps suck in EE
  6. A clan of all HFBC PS and one Pure attack build would be awesome. Don't know how well it would work tho
  7. It doesn't it only works if the att builds are so huge the other side can't win on it or them .. Sr(watever) did it for a while it can't be duplicated in a smaller version tho ... The attack builds would get overwhelmed by shear numbers of attacks and eventually give up gold
    ... The spy builds have to resort to stealing which opens them up ...

    Long story short only works if the attack builds are way bigger lb size
  8. I think I've decoded what he's trying to say >.>
    Op the builds are named such due to their characteristics (except for hansel but everyone knows what that is anyway,and Hansel invented/discovered the build) and logically since a, certain type of build is purely spies we'd call that a Pure Spy, PS for short.
    So why would we rename a PS an EB when there is already the common term EB as epic battle. Your idea makes no sense.
  9. It's so sad that people just can't have a conversation without getting insulted or trashed.....
  10. And btw if u don't understand what he's saying then ask him to clarify instead of insulting or acting stupid
  11. True but that would only simplify matters lol
  12. What's a Eunuch? is that a nationality?
  13. Eunuch is a male, but who likes to dress as female.
    They cut off their ball and live life like female.
    In india most eunuch are prostitute, as their family does not support this.
    They dress like women and go out with man/woman depending on them.
    Its basically like transexual.
    They wear saree,blouse,chudidaar which are traditional dresses of women in india.
    This is called eunuch in india.
  14. I'm cracking up
  15. So it's another word for transgendered...

    How about that..
  16. No it's really not ... Eunuchs are castrated men .. Has nothing to do with transgendered people

    Was a religious thing or a slave thing to keep them from sexual temptation
  17. Also served as a form of punishment in some cultures or countries throughout history but eunuchs still have their rod just no junk underneath
  18. Dictionaries are made for a reason, people. Use them before you spread stupidity.

    An eunuch, in it's most common and historical sense, is a male who has been castrated, usually against his will and before hitting puberty. Sometimes it just referred to an impotent male as they also were celibate and/or had no will to marry. They were everything from servants to slaves to singers (castrati) and had very, very low social static--except for an odd period in European history when many castrati (opera singers) obtained rock star level status.