I suggest pming him something like "I'm a lesbian." You could also wall him if you want it to be more public. If you're too shy to do that, you could ask a friend to tell him to look at this thread so he can find out without you telling him directly. Trust me, it's better to let him know now than to give him false hope otherwise and end up telling him later.
What is the difference in plunder from sos lvl 1 through vol l3? Does upgrading an sos from lvl 1 to lvl 3 decrease to a certain point and then has an overall increase once all lowlands are level 3? Is it better to build lvl 1 vols in hl instead of sos because there wouldn't be a loss in plunder from upgrading the sos to lvl 3 instead? Do vols and ice trees have a similar effect like sos do when upgrading?
Mixes between guilds and SOS cause plunder loss, volatile is a higher tier of building and will increase plunder, although things I've been hearing about t6 beyond level 1 is that the increase is not worth the price
In a full unload you may get: 24-27 attacks 36 assa 48 scouts 18 steals In one 5 minute regen you get: 2 attacks and either 3 assa 4 scouts 1,5 steals