Forum Post Likes Please Devs

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IlSlIPII-PATMAN1973-IlSlIPII, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Had a thought while reading someone's post on a topic and wanted to hit "Like" as you would do on Facebook. Instead of writing a post to tell that person you could see the tally of people that liked the comment or post. Could even be "Support" instead of Like. Might shorten the dozens of pages on each post down to a few good pages of real comments about the topic too so we can all read them.

  2. How about upvote and downvote so we can hide all the **** that shows up in forums.
  3. Add Terra's idea then I support
  4. I thought about that (down votes being able to hide content), but figured it would be abused.
  5. 1 person liked this. 
  6. I think this is a great idea.

    Like - Yes

  7. I could see that for feedback, but not much else.
  8. Oh, on top of that, kaw doesn't program the forums. It's done by a company called phpBB, so you'd have to talk to them.
  9. True^

    It's harder for forums to be updated
  10. Deadly is right. While it would be a great idea, it's not a feature supported by the forum company that KaW uses. The only way this could be implemented would be for KaW to change and remake the forums completely, which I don't see very likely.
  11. I like terra's idea. Negetive numbers for over 10 mins= Pushed out of at?
  12. Lets being kaw forums to reddit
  13. There is a KaW subreddit. It's just dead without any posts in months.
  14. Wakebuster Like's this
  15. Let's add profile pictures and cover photos as well. Maybe we could fill our news feed with posts from our kaw friends while we're at it.

    No support
  16. Thanks for your thoughts everyone 
  17. I support TERRA's idea! ^_^