OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Pleiades has taken a 24 hours away from forums for ignoring my warnings.
  2. Hate to say this but bravo Eagle, that fool needed to go.
  3. Kip preparing now yes way to go kids is a war game go out there n help ur NA buddy!!!!

    Indeed they seriously need help now before twicc naked soon . I fully support kip !!!!!!
  4. Lol why so hard on NA for asking for aid it's 4 on one or more idk, all I'm saying is any reasonable person would do the same. Good luck to NA and Yafi in this war
  5. Really  I can't say har.d ?
  6. Support to New Age
  7. Lol Eagle, you told him not to say "white trash" anymore and warned him! He didnt say "white trash"! He said green trash mod. I dont see the grounds for a 24hr silence from forums. Please explain. People were complaining about "white trash" im guessing its a racial thing, but green trash has nothing to do with it! ????????
  8. @nd support to New Age :) hehe
  9. Oh yea. **** THE BOTS!!!!
  10. Just a tip for OSW: Dont war clans with mods in it. They can get a little upset.
  11. I dont think its a matter of being upset, I think its a matter of saying green trash after he told him to not say white trash out of pure disrespect
  12. You didnt see it beer. But he said brown trash also. Racism is tolerated inside NA?
  13. Btw twicc y u didnt change ur banner bro ??? U not silenced anymore bro u can talk on cc now :) nice to see u back bro :) kip beware yafi coming to you soon :) cheers
  14. yeah, and abuse their mod powers ! that's why player mods can be bad but are cheap labor !
    esp. if you are slayerbob, and silence for 2 innocent words in the same sentence, and yet was ok to have a player with a sexually explicit name in his clan, that HE didn't see a problem with.......
  15. Bossman please post with main last thing we need is another NA alt clogging up forums !!
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