Welcome all! The time approaches as the second official KaW war begins. The complete roster is posted below for your reference. The war begins at exactly 11:59am PST today and will run until 11:59am PST on Wednesday. To clarify: scoring is based on TOTAL PLUNDER WON. This includes your ally plunder bonus! We will be keeping track of this stat continuously throughout the war and will regularly post a reply to this topic to keep you all updated on the status of the war. GOOD LUCK and let the war begin! Official roster of IG: 1. HeyWTF 2. Rajang 3. WrathBane 4. ECWGuy420 5. Chrious 6. 1ate7 7. Trazler 8. Brans 9. Zealegend 10. Hansel 11. GrumpyEric 12. TrueBlue 13. FreakyJ 14 Sknifer 15. HemoGlobin 16. SirDub 17. Xioxas 18. KingdomofWolves 19. Juggi 20. TZ 21. Kati 22. Supermooboy 23. Burry 24. XlSpartanzlX 25. Wam 26. Tsuful 27. Umbra-fr 28. Morpheus 29. Assassin 30. Neferretii 31. ShadowKan 32. WinterN0VA 33. Soulreaper816 34. SkyKnight 35. Metalmario64 36. Delerium 37. Xbattousaix 38. Scrim 39. Yeuhvoh 40.Dazerazer 41. Benny 42. IllI-doosh-lIll 43. w00t 44. IlIlInovalIlIl 45. RyanK 46. Bumeris 47. theguru 48. Antir 49. hrino 50. Hutch Official roster of the Foxes: 1. Game 2. DeathMonkey 3. Gargam3L 4. SnakeEye 5. Blur 6. daraem 7. Easthawk 8. Lady_Lula_Jade 9. NineHoursLater 10. Melvin 11. StaticPain 12. runnybunny 13. pollyanna 14. hunter100 15. klackston 16. TherisHugeSword 17. Deathtoall 18. shredder714 19. Lowjack 20. wildwilly 21. Rednus 22. iAlchemist 23. Traceroute 24. LrdDarius 25. bigworm 26. Bob737 27. sticky1234 28. AB1 29. blackwolf666 30. Sholron 31. King_Robby 32. Nick2u 33. youtube_skillmaster18 34. xxXstXxx 35. Nuzz 36. boomboom 37. dbrizz 38. HiRo 39. imurmaster 40. JohnnyPizzo 41. Evolution 42. maldrakes 43. alaskanassassin 44. jrsyjoe 45. bf 46. lancelotdulac 47. mimic 48. Rolando 49. Jezebelle 50. Evilcupcakes
War Update #1: it's been less than 2 hours into the war and both sides have showed terrific activity. We just want to announce that both sides have captured over 1 billion in gold plunder with an average of 35 million plunder gained by each player. Based on our stats, both side have started out neck to neck.
War Update #2: the war has been extremely active and we have seen a flurry of attacking from both sides. Shortly after the last war update, the IG gained tremendous momentum and started to take a noticeable lead. However, there have been a few Foxes who recently started attacking much more frequently and are helping their side catch up to the IG. MVPs for day 1 will be announced at the end of the day.
War Update #3 - DAY 1 Summary: Top IG plunder earners: 1. KingdomOfWolves 2. Hansel 3. TZ 4. Rajang 5. sknifer Top Foxes plunder earners: 1. maldrakes 2. NineHoursLater 3. Evilcupcakes 4. DeathMonkey 5. pollyanna We've also been tracking what we are calling "prolific" roster players who are spending a noticeable amount of time in game. Here they are: Prolific IG players: Trazzler, w00t, ZeaLegend Prolific Foxes: Melvin, AB1, and hunter100.
War Result - DAY 1: IG has built a strong lead and the Foxes are trailing in number of active roster players. Foxes still have a good chance to recapture the lead if they can rebound during Day 2.
War Update #4: last night was extremely busy as the Foxes and IG continued to battle. Both sides have now crossed 10 billion in total plunder earned! Congratulations! IG are still holding the lead, despite a number of new Foxes beginning to show more prolific activity. It seems as if IGs strategy of using their alliance sister clans is paying dividends.
War Update #5 - DAY 2 Summary: Top IG plunder earners: 1. Hansel 2. KingdomOfWolves 3. ECWGuy420 4. neferretii 5. TZ Top Foxes plunder earners: 1. Evilcupcakes 2. maldrakes 3. Easthawk 4. dbrizz 5. Melvin Prolific IG players: Brans, HeyWTF, scrim Prolific Foxes: Bob737, Game, Rolando.
War Result - DAY 2: IG is again the clear winner today and have extended their large lead over the Foxes. The IG were especially relentless during the night, a result of a great coordinated effort. The Foxes were represented today by a few strong players, but again, a noticeable number of inactive foxes did not help their cause. We will announce the ultimate winner of the war tomorrow and the war MVP. Good luck guys.
War Result - FINAL: Congratulations to IG, the ultimate winner. This was by far the most intense war we've had on KaW. Both sides fought non-stop throughout the war and the sun of the total plunder earned by both sides reached 100 billion gold! A true accomplishment and a sign of the relentless work by both sides. The IG and the Foxes started out with a close battle, but after Day 1, the IG turned up the heat and took off and the Foxes were unable to recover. Here are the total plunder score: Total Plunder earned by IG: 67,977,691,946 Total Plunder earned by Foxes: 31,831,578,709 During the first war, we saw brilliant strategy and coordination displayed by the Foxes. During this second war, we've seen the tables turned as the IG were the masters of coordination and strategic play that included: effective use of sister alliances, good timing strategies, and overall more dedicated roster players. The Foxes, despite losing this time, should still be commended for the strong individual efforts by a few of their roster players. Thank you all for participating in this second official KaW war. We hope you had fun and we appreciate all your feedback. A big congratulations to both the IG and Foxes for a worthy war. (MVPs are being posted next...)
Top IG plunder earners: 1. Hansel 2. TZ 3. neferretii 4. sknifer 5. BRANS Top Foxes plunder earners: 1. Evilcupcakes 2. maldrakes 3. Easthawk 4. dbrizz 5. DeathMonkey Prolific IG players: KingdomOfWolves, ECWGuy420, HeyWTF, Trazler, and scrim. Prolific Foxes: SnakeEye, Bob737, Game, pollyanna, and hunter100. Congratulations all! The second official KaW War MVP goes to: TZ Congratulations TZ! TZ was by far the most consistently active player throughout the war. We also would like to make an honorable mention to: Evilcupcakes of the Foxes and KingdomOfWolves of the IG for their relentless play throughout the war. Great job guys. Again, congratulations all! It was a great war to watch and hopefully you all had a great time. Stay tuned for more announcements about upcoming KaW features that we're working on as a result of the war experiments.