A New Idea For KAW Epic Battles

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by DannyWanny, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. I've recently had a very interesting idea. In an epic battle, what if there was an option to unload all your troops/spies all at once? This would not REPLACE the "repeat action button". It would simply just be another option. I feel that this would make Kawing a bit more convenient for some players. Tell me what you all think! Is this a good idea or not?
  2. I read that as "Im too lazy to hit the button several times in a row"
  3. While a more automated game is indeed more convenient, it also takes away a need to play the game. It'd be even more convenient if the game unloaded for you every hour. Or if it automatically upgrades for you, it'd be even easier.

    There's a line between playing a game and watching it. I feel that unloading an hour's worth of troops in one click is crossing that line.
  4. this is suggested about once a week… o.o
  5. I understand. Thank you for your opinions on this particular topic :)
  6. After I unload next I will find myself how long it takes me I bet less then a min lol
  7. Bacon is the first person to actually give a valid reason for not wanting the button.
  8. It's not a new idea
  9. Been asked a BUNCH of times. Why? Just so it is quicker? What if you want to hit someone with half troops? But you can't?
  10. Brilliant idea. Id never use it though. Especially in those ebs where if a regening item bar regens mid way through your unload and you end up with 50 defeats.
  11. I still rather have a BL unload button
  12. I didn't even read the OP and someone's already thought of this stupid idea before.
  13. Obviously OP has never unloaded on EBs without the repeat button, and having to do it like PvP. Be happy we at least get the repeat action. I remember when there wasn't even one
  14. You people would understand if you had more than 1 account in the same HTE clan. Especially during 50% promos
  15. Id like to see an epic battle where you have to combine attacks like scout/attack scouting with your attack would make the attack more effective or steal/assassinate etc. Etc.
  16. No, you're all already to lazy with that repeat button, this is stupid, is it that hard to hit a button 20 times? >.<
  17. [​IMG]

    I want female ninjas in the game.
  18. Can we call it the "Lazy Off My Ass" button??