To the great warriors of WarLoR, SILVER, W.A.R, and BAM. I'd like to take to opportunity to extend my best wishes and respect. Any comments said along the way was never meant to be disrespectful, it was all in the spirit of the game. I'd like to promise all of kaw that I'd never use my leadership and friends to overpower a weaker clan. I promise to give every clan I come across a fighting chance. I'll never use my anger to back ppl into a corner and not provide an exit for them. I promise to be a great leader, respectful to my clan as well as my enemies. WarLoR, SILVER, W.A.R, and BaM fought a helluva war. Respect to each and every one of the warriors involved on both sides. I went Into this war over personal issues that have since been resolved. RESPECT TO THE AFOREMENTIONED CLANS They fought a hell of a war.
Pifft what's the point of knocking someone down if you're not going to finish them and keep kicking them while they are down. It's the only way they truly learn not to make that mistake again. And bullying people is fun so no support
Its currently, Justhanginout and Roman praetorian legion vs. -Bad ass mercs-, warlor, silver, warriors of the ancient realm, and -WAR MACHINE-
val its not all our clans smashing one, there was assigned targets for each clan. Most requested CF within hours of its start.
From things I heard it all started because BAM owner princess bella told a young RPL member who's mother committed suicide that it was his fault.