improving kaw for android

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -Il-_-lI-CR4Z3YIlIB4B4Il0_0lI-, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. The most annoying part of wars and pvp is that the action takes too long to perform, cus of loading and the steps to take to perform an action.

    For wars, when we attack someone we press attack, then choose what you wanna do, select amount of potions used, attack accomplished, then the window to choose what you wanna do disapeas, and you have to do all stuff again to hit someone. We can fix this by making the selection menu stay after an action, and keep the potions you used last time selected,

    This would really help to not got bored of kaw and be faster in wars so we will perform better,

    I hope you enjoyed the read

    Would appreciate the feedback!
  2. theres a thread on how to make it faster
  3. Well said VAL
  4. I know the thread of vlads, but this is a permanent solution to make hitting possible with less actions to have been made, vlad makes your phone faster but doesnt reduce the amount of.actions nor keeps pots selected, please stay on topic and give feedback
  5. Same for iPhone I believe.

    On this subject PC messages need to get fixed
  6. Can't see Blocked Players on droid.
    Fixing it would be nice
  7. All together we can make devs fix these problems
  8. Buy an iPhone.