Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning + TSG)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    Instead of doing these TTs you should do like last years summer promos and do 2x gold and 2x eq drop. I think the players would be more happy with that. Would help new and old players and not just the pay to play ppl.
  2. Hi devs...im always the same....why in place of giving one week spells do you give one an equip or a banner with that % of gold?if you are going to do all summer that...that will be very boring...all weeks a new spell....lol....and when summer ends spells disappear...and gold with them...x2 or x3 in equips and in gold were more funny..............last year.all have the same oportunities....now only a few.
  3. I was sleeping during the fastest time my clan had and contributed to all the other time trials. Not really fair to not get plunder bonus.
  4. I agree with the above post. I think if you are in the clan at the time the record is achieved, and there is a TT reward, then all members in the clan at the time get the reward. I'm active say 16 hours per day, and if i have participated in all the EBs, and the record happens to be achieved when I sleep, it's hardly fair to miss out.
  5. How about a different spell so u leave clan cast spell desire to participate in time trial. Then you are assigned a clan to do TT like Indi wars. This would not still widen the gulf were the top people get stronger and give all a chance? Thoughts?
  6. I was in hit valiant and did the tsg time trail in 5:20. The lb says that's top 10 but I only got a 5% bonus spell
  7. Never mind, my fault
  8. Devs I am still waiting for my time trials pulnders? Spells?how long will I have wait?please help:(
  9. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    you whine bags wanting a bonus for not doing anything. If you didn't help in the eb that was the best time your clan did you deserve nothing. You shouldn't get a bonus just because you was in the clan when it happened.
  10. People have been asking devs to increase the xtal limit, and they did.

    Now I know why it is not a good idea to have a higher limit...

    It is nearly impossible to spam 96 xtals a day.
    Soooooo time consuming

    Glad the event is ending soon :roll:

    Please do not ever do this again kaw
  11. why not start at a quarter of% from the bonus at the top 1000 clans
  12. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    No support on these time trials. 
  13. Why can't these bonuses apply to pvp also? They only last a week.
  14. The Time Trials have now ended.

    We'll be going over the results and sending out rewards to our winners tomorrow!
  15. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    Thank goodness!  Lasted too long!
  16. Bring out the defibulator KAW needs resuscitating after this promo.
  17. Our Clan didn't even need an xtal to hit top 50, so quit crying. AT devs, these guys right about the xtals. Come on and make it a level playing field. Our clan is barely top 200 and only needed 29 members of all sizes to do it.
  18. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    Why don't you just make a new eb? Now that would be something.
  19. Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG)

    Devs, you should stop these useless promos. Stop treating us like kids. Focus on new ebs or equips and how to improve the war system.
  20. This event is a clan killer as it is human nature to be selfish and unloyal player are moveing to clans that gained the bonus. Nice concept though just needs a little refinement imo.