So i had this idea to be able to gift resorces ( in clan only) the concept is simple say player A needs 5 steal of defender and he ask player B if he/she can send em if he agress then player B can go to marketplace click send resorces and send the requierd iteam simple as that
That would be abused to the max. LB players would have no problem getting their alts HFBC in days if this was implemented.
I think what OP forgot to state is that it's only collectible resources, like aqua/inferno/scrolls/banner mats etc. not gold.
I forgot the mention that gold whould not be giftabl only aqua,inferno,banner iteams and scrolls for the relic equip
Would be nice to have for the regular player but like everyone else said it would be massively abused by some
Still working out the knots but the abuse.should Be easy to get rid of for exampel u can only trade so much aqua and inferno a day say i send someone 20 aqua for 20inferno thats the max u can send for 24 hrs u can send more but the more u send the longer it will take before u can ask again if u send 20 banner mats after u sent 20 aqua or inferno then u cant ask again for 72 hrs
hell no wc would just be filled with "GIFT ME INFERNO PLZZZZZ"wc would be even more spammed ~ɖɛɖɛ