Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by MissMelon, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Support, again.
  2. Much support 
  3. What's the hold up? :( Have they even addressed it as being an issue that needs attention?
  4. 30 pages of pretty much ALL support and yet they don't even comment much less fix it
  5. Support! 
  6. It might not fix all your issues but stop chatting IGCB and your experience will greatly improve! 
  7. Tl; dr

    Use the scroll thingy and refresh if you don't see a red anywhere while using it...

    They won't do anything so stop asking 
  8. Be nice if they did address the issue. #Support.
  9. Was I supporting the thread or was I trying to help support melons! Hmmm
  10. You guys....get over it. While I have millions of friends (kinda exaggerating), the PC version kinda sucks. The majority of players who play KaW use iPhone, Android, and Apple devices.

    While I do support this thread, I strongly should advise you people something. The devs are working hard on many things. Wars, Equip, EBs, you name it. I know the PC version is broken like no tommorrow, but the devs don't pay that much attention to PMs. It's your choice who you follow, not theirs.

    I use the mobile version, but I use the pc version as well.

    And another thing about the developers. Do you know how hard it is to maintain a 24/7 MMO game all over the world? It's very hard. Other games like World of Warcraft can easily be maintained because Blizzard is a big company. However, ATA is still small, and the devs are constantly trying to upgrade the game. They're doing it to make the players happy. If your going to be a ***, and be abusive to them, regardless if it is a mod or not, the devs are creating the game for you.

    I rest my case.

    I still support this thread
  11. Why does it not let me post what I mean to say damn it