Oracle and it's prices..

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TGH-IllISick-_-SkillslllI-TGH, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. op, you quote me on pg8... You did not comprehend what I wrote....

    If prices were lower.... I would spend AT least as much as I have.... I'm all okay for lowering prices.

    However, if at current prices devs are making the $$ they want.... The prices will not be adjusted...
  2. yep, that's basically what i'm sayin' lol, not worth all that money..
  3. I comprehend, and im sure they'd like to help us out in the end, 1 aqua is 5 xstals, you wanna pay 5$ on 1 aqua? why do they even have that?? but yes, they are making their money, just don't see why they wouldn't try it out, atleast go through trial and error! :D
  4. **** yeah support! ur a damn genius man!
  5. I'd suggest at the least they should run biweekly sales on Fridays with 30-40% price cuts but have a cap. Maybe limit it at 168 xtals and 750 nobs, this would tremendously help casual players and encourage players that spend at all to purchase. It will help the addicts out some also. I am a very competitive player and strive for best in every category and top achiements and feel as if the devs have me strung up by ankles shaking out every penny they can get by consistanly running b2b events and these new time trials that force any competitive player into spending. Yes I know I don't have to spend but I think devs can find much more efficient ways in raising sales other than squeezing there big spenders dry. If they just tried to run a daily special they would have amazing results and we need our new players to embrace game and get more active that can't afford regular prices. These events are to the point it makes people angry when they release. This all just IMO happy kawing :D
  6. Sorry lopaidon for the misunderstanding, it won't happen again. I apologize.
  7. Sorry for what?
  8. He decided to get his clan to farm me. It kind of backfired 
  9. Only a few joined in attempt to get u to stop farming him just cuz u could guy.Don't flatter yourself and get a big head
  10. Anything past a 1v1 is a declaration of war. Because of your insult I will resume farming him. Learn when to be quiet.
  11. Life is not fair. Deal with it.
  12. That wasn't declaration of war I was insulting u.But u would go after the smaller me tough guy.
  13. Nah. Sick skills will do. You can explain to him why he is going to get ****** up for at least 3 maybe 4 weeks
  14. Also. Read my previous post again idiot. Think, reflect and then post again.
  15. Typical coward bully talk bro lmfao
  16. lol. Yes I'm a bully. Deal with it.
  17. Is that a challenge bully?
  18. I'm busy with your buddy. I have also decided to add another month onto the farm because of your smart mouth.

    I'm not one of those 1 day farmers. Sick skills will soon find that out. Thanks to you 