Oracle and it's prices..

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TGH-IllISick-_-SkillslllI-TGH, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. well im not sure but currency in different countries varies, your dollar might be less than our dollar, our dollar is more than mexicos dollar, and englands Is worth more than anyones money, so im not 100% positive about your currency or how that works but I do know about fluctuation in the currency across the world (just not specifically) regardless the prices have to change, or they wont make as much money as they could be.
  2. Actually one seal is worth multiple if you seal for. A 5 day pass you get way more from the seal sound fair to me 7 bucks and you get 5 days worth of HTE ebs. What's not to like y'all are just cheap and don't understand how to use your seals correctly I think it's fair and the price keeps little children from staying in the game as long I personally don't mind the price plus there game needs to make money to stay alive yes maybe they are greedy but with out greed they actually listen to the kaw community(kinda) we'll they talk to us and always changing the game to try and make people happy. Yes I'll agree no one seems to like the recent changes but Atleast there trying to listen(I think) lol sorry for run on sentences lol was In a hurry
  3. Do I have better things to do? Yes. I'm actually at a phillipino party right now. Will I still kick your ass? Probably. 
  4. Then you woke up.
  5. cheap or not, they'd still make more money if they took a different approach to prices and different bundles, those prices are too steep for anyone honestly in my opinion, but I understand what youre saying, it's just the shear opinion of the buyer and what he thinks about it, cheap or not, it's the way people think and live their life, budgeting just happens and opinions are our way of making things right.
  6. Oracle prices are fine, not my fault you're lower class or you're stingy. Just save up and buy the 168 xtal pack, it's the best deal.
  7. Sorry but im not lower class, or stingy, it's just a matter of not wanting to blow 1/4 of my check on a game for something that isn't tangible and is overly priced. and yes it may be the best deal, but this thread's sole purpose is to lower the prices and or add more to the bundle or switch the deals around and make them more appeasing to the customer. thank you for your opinion, and insults but I disagree with them.
  8. Great business mind and customer services there chubby.  I'm sure with that thought process I would never buy a used car from you much less anything else. Ever heard of impulse purchases. Look into it.
    One pack has appeal. Two packs for a seal and you make a customer think twice.

    As for 5 day passes. That's a common known thing in kaw. Everyone knows it. But how many more would impulse buy and use at their home clan with slightly lower prices? Ever think of that?
    And yes obviously it's best to use them for a 5 day pass and give the clan owners and admin there a near perm free pass at the hte clans  rather than buying them to share with friends at your home clan.
  9. I've spent a lot (a lot), and is likely have spent more if everything was cheaper. I'd use way more crystals if they were $50 for a 168 pak
  10. And in case you're dumb.... Log into kaw on PC and pay with paypal. Much cheaper
  11. I give my support to the OP
  12. but you'd still be saving in the end if you spread the xstals wisely during ebs, and you wouldn't be dishing out the good ole credit card as a backup funding for your xstal needs, it's as easy to save as it is to spend
  13. YOU DOWN WITH O.P.P.???
  14. Oracle and prices for that thread person
  15. (─■°)0(°)─■support
  16. It's just funny now 10 nobs for $.99 x5 is cheaper than 50 nobs for $4.99
  17. Thats the reason why i stopped buying from this game to exspensive. You have my full SUPPORT on this. Id rather buy myself 2 brand new xbox 360 games for 20 bucks of xstals. And the game i choose will have countless hours of online gameplay and the graphics is better than this game. Just sayin if anyone agrees with me. 