Individual War Feedback

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 30, 2014.

  1. and you think they can monitor that for every single war lol

    Plus I can log on from multiple ip addresses ..,
  2. What I expected from individual war was not leaving a clan to be placed in another clan,but rather to war for 2hours 1v1 a player near my stats,that is a easier war I would say,may the best propacks and xstals win
  3. I love indi wars personally, the match ups are great and eliminates people from abusing the normal clan wars, also I would try to create a way to prevent players from signing up multiple accounts so that they can throw wars in another clan's favor. I hope theres more to come
  5. Enjoyed much more than expected. Generally good match ups. One time too many ps on one clan - none on other - that's bad. Overall good format. Much better than stacked LB/sh rosters so many clans r doing. Thanks for trying this format. Also better in that u can stay mostly with home EB clan
  6. I find it entertaining how all shs complain here about statless moles. This problem can easily be solved if you grow. I have done couple indiwars so far and had no problems at all with people in my size. No moles. No statless alts. No problem. Ty devs its a great system.
  7. Hmmm well I'm farming a mod because she silenced me yeah.
  8. I loved it do more of that!!
  9. To start...
    I really like the Indy wars.

    They are not good for clan unity as with clan cast wars & there are too many flakes, inactives and general bs in them... but still pretty fair evenly matched wars.

    How to improve...
    If you could build the rosters "Indy style" from cast clan members so that clans can still war together this would be fantastic. This would allow all clan members that want to war to cast and you choose who wars to build the best matches as your doing now from that pool. Any not chosen for the "clans" roster could be tossed into the abyss as a pool to build additional rosters from as Indy wars is now. Maybe this is an additional mith spell that is cast if you want to be tossed if not selected for the clan roster.

    Preventing attempts at roster stacking...
    If a clan only casts sh & tank attacks you could toss the entire clan into the abyss of Indy to increase the pool for additional clans.

    just my thoughts for on the system in play for Indy wars...
  10. Here's some feedback for you:

    1) Stop creating ridiculous events in an attempt to stop us from osw. Or is it really just to protect the assests of your favorite spenders?

    2) If you insist on creating said lame events, at least make it worth it.

    3) Sell mithril so those of us who find your ee wars/events pathetic can continue to osw effectively.

    4) Stop warming up to Richard Simmons and Ru Paul workouts at ATA before your shifts, it's having an adverse effect on your decision making.

    5) Not all of us like the new "EB Fairy" game you've created, so how about you cater to those of us that still play for the actual "warring" portion

    6) Come to think of it, perhaps you should retain my services to help guide you along

  11. trooper for president
  12. Trooper, trooper, trooper
  13. For the love of god stop makeing all of the individual wars the same type.plz plz balance it out with all types.
    Here is a idea.2 seperate matching systems for same time slot(individual and clan built rosters)but still keep them seperated and only match people who wished to b put in a clan against others who did.while matching pre made rosters to pre made rosters.plz reply as soon as u can
  14. Devs plz look into this
  15. as a noob, I have no experience whatsoever. today, the "noob wars", was my first experience into something I would never have been able to get into. it was awesome, and now I will build accordingly. awesome idea, great fun. thx to everybody that helped out... I suppose the devs to...
  16. Like it to many inactives and noobs. But at least no stacked rh rosters
  17. Yes but war type and category differences would b nice.they could try to use ee levels as another way to place people in clans
  18. Was great except for a few inactives was nice to not fight a stacked sh clan 