that's pretty funny bc your spies are getting pinned by a "salty souty noob" get off of my thread, final warning. third time ive asked you, youre harassing me if you continue to speak on my thread.
I did no such thing, you insulted me. I simply asked you politely to leave my thread. you farmed me saying I was challenging you. you're in the wrong, and your getting your ass handed to you by my spies. I can do this all day and all night, advise you to stop or ill continue pinning you.
You are pinning nothing. Me being the hungry bastard that I am, is waiting for your scrawny ass to get out of pin.
you are only bigger in attack, im more efficient in spies. you're ass is torn kid. give up while you have a prayer from someone out there.
lopaidon, sick never insulted you. He asked you to leave his thread. As OP that's his right. And proclaiming he insulted you? Then you either read wrong or you are easily offended by someone asking you to turn around and go. And if you are as easily offended as one might suggest them this might offend you I suggest you leave the thread before this he's too out of hand
love how when I kindly ask someone to leave for being rude and cursing me out in my own thread but still saying my opinion and that I respected his opinion, that's a sign of a "challenge" now im entitled to be defensive over threats, and im allowed to take any means necessary to stop the threats, all because of a thread about the oracle and it's prices, how low can someone go for a rise in someone lol. pathetic and dramatic kids these days. thank you spyro for the extra support btw, I appreciate it
I cant help but to lmao at that lol, on a thread that has nothing to do with strip farming or offending anyone, it's just an opinion of a price this game made and I gave my opinion on an opinion, where'd I go wrong? :lol:
0.o op insulted lop? Erm how. Lop your statement ended telling op to **** off Regardless of that distraction. All customers have the right to offer any feedback they like to any business. I have stated before and will again oracle prices specifically seals are too high in price. The fact that if you purchase the smaller non packs you must make at least two purchases to purchase one seal proves that it is overpriced. The max nobility pack is better value if you have the resources ( which most casual players and children don't ) as such reducing the price to a single purchase cost would make seals more appealing to casual players as well as to the rest of the community at large. Just a thought. Better prices more mass appeal higher sale volumes bigger profits over time as opposed to boom and bust sales practices.
spectacular views on that, even if they have to re-arrange the bundles to make them more appeasable to the customer, offering more in them, and at a great price will boom all on it's own, I believe the young adults who work and go to college who play this along with anyone else for that matter, would appreciate everything that is being stated in this thread (besides the dramatic outbreak of one oppose) needless to say I appreciate your opinion on the topic and believe we're about on the same level of thinking on this glad you put in your word!
It costs us more in Australia. The prices went up for us about 6 or so months ago. 6 x-tals or 50 nobility costs $ 6.50 10 nobility costs $1.30 It's really quite expensive. 1 seal is $ 7.80 which is excessive in my opinion.
you truly are ignorant as hell. don't you have better things to do? like troll on a person who's cs is remotely close to yours? maybe farm them instead of me? because you're just asking for a heap of troble right now. and I can tell you right now, nobody's ass is getting lubed but yours. so deal with that, sit on it, and rotate.