Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Hey guys, I understand you're worried about balance here and I want to stress that this is a TEMPORARY change only for this Time Trials event. Additionally, you're still limited by the normal number of regens that a single EB or War requires.
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase **** you KC. Tell ATA to go **** themselves. Greedy as hell.
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Am I the only one who, after KC speaks, feels the urge to feed him a cracker? :lol:
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Lol wow I hate it when everyone says devs are greedy,if they weren't then kaw wouldn't be here
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Ghost that's silly! Of course KAW would still be here if devs weren't greedy, they didn't always act this way. And kaw_com, we know THIS is temporary but the gap between normal players and the lb is ongoing!
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase And @ the people saying dumb **** like "no one is forcing you to spend 100's a day on kaw" yeah no ****! But if we do not then you'll be left behind by folks who can nob past your 4 y/O kingdom in less then 6 months.. i just can't compete so what's the point?
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase When I read the title I thought they had increased how quickly your troops regen temporary. Wow hopeful thinking right there.
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Who cares if people are bigger than you though whoopty ******* doo you don't have to spend and if your only excuse for making an arguement is people will be bigger than me you need to leave this game and reevaluate life.
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase This game is dead thanks to these idiots at ATA. I am just playing till I find something better to do in my free time. And I will no longer promote this game to my friends. I made 12 people join this game, not gonna do it anymore.
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Balto shut your nooby trap... the point isn't a few players are bigger them me you moron! The point is that there is untouchable players in this gaMe... there is an ever moving goal post here
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase So what if their untouchable it shouldn't matter to you anyways.
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase Make a real arguement and I'll support it but until then your an illogical halfwit
Re: Temporary Daily Regen Limit Increase You know the devs think ⇨ people are just going to hug HTE with the no xtal limits lol