Inclusion of a new Pinch system

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by X_-RaPhaEL-_X, Jul 1, 2014.

  1.  Keep this in Facebook please I don't wanna be poked anymore lol
  2. Btw KaW uses Facebook as a login so it's not 3rd party advertising and if it is...well..then they are too lol
  3. It isnt third party advertising unless you're actually advertising it. I can say Halo, Call of Duty, and Battlefield without getting into much trouble. I just cant give out my username on that game and tell you to go buy it.
  4. There is already system in place - wall, pm or symply as our dear friend Dylacer said - farm the heck out of it. If any of that fail then that mean he dont give a damn so why should you?! Kick it and get new one who will be active...
  5. Oh, so it's like a dick slap in the face
  6. lol zach. It's simply a faster and convenient way of awakening those inactive members :D :p
  7. (─■°o°)─■ why pinch? Why not stab?
  8. Maybe you would only be able to use it every 6 days or so